The Calleman Interpretation of the Mayan Calendar

Intro | Calleman Matrix | Alternative Dates


Maybe you've seen the Calleman Matrix elsewhere? Here is a quick introduction to the ideas that Carl Johan Calleman developed from the Mayan calendar. See Calleman's website for bulletins and commentary, or read his books (or those by Barbara Hand Clow) for more in-depth details if you need them.

This is what Calleman claims, as I understand it:

The evolution through the underworlds proceeds as follows (as a rough illustration). Each involves the creation of an environment, and the exploration of the possibilities of that environment:

Cellular First cells develop from matter Exploring the world from the point of view of a cell, and its interaction with other cells
Mammalian First animals develop from cells Exploring the world from the point of view of an animal, and its interaction with other animals
Familial First primates develop Exploring the world from the point of view of a primate, and its interaction with other primates
Tribal First humans develop Exploring the world from the point of view of a tribal human, and its interaction with other humans
Regional Spoken language and regional organization Exploring the world of a regional society, and the interactions within a society, and amongst societies
National Written language and national organization Exploring the world of national groups, and the interactions within a nation, and amongst nations
Planetary Development of science and machines Exploring the world of scientific knowledge and the physical possibilities available through machines
Galactic Development of cyberspace/internet Exploring the world of instant global communications and virtual realities
Universal ??? ???

Note that all of these underworlds overlap. We are in the final heaven of most of these underworlds, so there are still people living in tribal societies, still people working through regional or national issues, at the same time that other individuals and groups are exploring the possibilities of cyberspace. All the previous underworlds continue right up to the end-date.

It is not clear yet what might be developed during the final underworld. What kind of evolution might build upon and go beyond the instant global communications and the world of cyberspace that we've been adjusting to for the last 12 years? Just like we couldn't imagine the details and implications of what the internet might have brought 12 years ago (e.g. twitter/myspace, or global financial markets), so it seems to be impossible for us to imagine the details of what the final underworld might bring. We could speculate that it might mean psychic functioning, but equally well it could be something much more unexpected. In any case, we don't have long to wait!

On a personal level, the importance of the Calleman Matrix is 'catching the wave' as it happens. If you catch the wave, you get the benefit of the evolution provided by that wave. On the other hand, maybe you are quite happy to be a tribal member, or a horse, or an amoeba. If so, no problem. But still, the wave provided by the underworld is there if you want to ride it, and very many of us are living right in the middle of it, feeling all of its effects.

Calleman Matrix

Here is the full Calleman Matrix. I've put the shortest underworlds first, because those are the most interesting to us right now, as we're living through them. Note that this uses 18-day heavens for the Universal, which differs from other charts you might have seen (see note below):

Heaven 1 / Day 1
Xiuhtecuhtli: God of Fire and Time
Start: 8-Mar-2011
MidPt: 17-Mar-2011
EndPt: 26-Mar-2011
Start: 4-Jan-1999
MidPt: 3-Jul-1999
EndPt: 30-Dec-1999
Start: 1755
MidPt: 1765
EndPt: 1775
Start: 3115 BCE
MidPt: 2918 BCE
EndPt: 2721 BCE
Start: 102507 YA
MidPt: 98564 YA
EndPt: 94622 YA
Start: 2050 TYA
MidPt: 1971 TYA
EndPt: 1892 TYA
Start: 41.0 MYA
MidPt: 39.4 MYA
EndPt: 37.8 MYA
Start: 820.1 MYA
MidPt: 788.5 MYA
EndPt: 757.0 MYA
Start: 16.4 BYA
MidPt: 15.8 BYA
EndPt: 15.1 BYA
Heaven 2 / Night 1
Inner Assimilation of New Wave
Tlaltecuhtli: God of Earth
Start: 26-Mar-2011
MidPt: 4-Apr-2011
EndPt: 13-Apr-2011
Start: 30-Dec-1999
MidPt: 27-Jun-2000
EndPt: 24-Dec-2000
Start: 1775
MidPt: 1785
EndPt: 1794
Start: 2721 BCE
MidPt: 2524 BCE
EndPt: 2327 BCE
Start: 94622 YA
MidPt: 90679 YA
EndPt: 86737 YA
Start: 1892 TYA
MidPt: 1814 TYA
EndPt: 1735 TYA
Start: 37.8 MYA
MidPt: 36.3 MYA
EndPt: 34.7 MYA
Start: 757.0 MYA
MidPt: 725.4 MYA
EndPt: 693.9 MYA
Start: 15.1 BYA
MidPt: 14.5 BYA
EndPt: 13.9 BYA
Heaven 3 / Day 2
Chalchiuhtlicue: Goddess of Water
Start: 13-Apr-2011
MidPt: 22-Apr-2011
EndPt: 1-May-2011
Start: 24-Dec-2000
MidPt: 22-Jun-2001
EndPt: 19-Dec-2001
Start: 1794
MidPt: 1804
EndPt: 1814
Start: 2327 BCE
MidPt: 2129 BCE
EndPt: 1932 BCE
Start: 86737 YA
MidPt: 82794 YA
EndPt: 78851 YA
Start: 1735 TYA
MidPt: 1656 TYA
EndPt: 1577 TYA
Start: 34.7 MYA
MidPt: 33.1 MYA
EndPt: 31.5 MYA
Start: 693.9 MYA
MidPt: 662.4 MYA
EndPt: 630.8 MYA
Start: 13.9 BYA
MidPt: 13.2 BYA
EndPt: 12.6 BYA
Heaven 4 / Night 2
Resistance against New Wave
Tonatiuh: God of Sun and Warriors
Start: 1-May-2011
MidPt: 10-May-2011
EndPt: 19-May-2011
Start: 19-Dec-2001
MidPt: 17-Jun-2002
EndPt: 14-Dec-2002
Start: 1814
MidPt: 1824
EndPt: 1834
Start: 1932 BCE
MidPt: 1735 BCE
EndPt: 1538 BCE
Start: 78851 YA
MidPt: 74909 YA
EndPt: 70966 YA
Start: 1577 TYA
MidPt: 1498 TYA
EndPt: 1419 TYA
Start: 31.5 MYA
MidPt: 30.0 MYA
EndPt: 28.4 MYA
Start: 630.8 MYA
MidPt: 599.3 MYA
EndPt: 567.7 MYA
Start: 12.6 BYA
MidPt: 12.0 BYA
EndPt: 11.4 BYA
Heaven 5 / Day 3
Tlacoteotl: Goddess of Love and Childbirth
Start: 19-May-2011
MidPt: 28-May-2011
EndPt: 6-Jun-2011
Start: 14-Dec-2002
MidPt: 12-Jun-2003
EndPt: 9-Dec-2003
Start: 1834
MidPt: 1844
EndPt: 1854
Start: 1538 BCE
MidPt: 1341 BCE
EndPt: 1144 BCE
Start: 70966 YA
MidPt: 67024 YA
EndPt: 63081 YA
Start: 1419 TYA
MidPt: 1340 TYA
EndPt: 1262 TYA
Start: 28.4 MYA
MidPt: 26.8 MYA
EndPt: 25.2 MYA
Start: 567.7 MYA
MidPt: 536.2 MYA
EndPt: 504.7 MYA
Start: 11.4 BYA
MidPt: 10.7 BYA
EndPt: 10.1 BYA
Heaven 6 / Night 3
Assimilation of New Wave
Mictlantechutli: God of Death
Start: 6-Jun-2011
MidPt: 15-Jun-2011
EndPt: 24-Jun-2011
Start: 9-Dec-2003
MidPt: 6-Jun-2004
EndPt: 3-Dec-2004
Start: 1854
MidPt: 1863
EndPt: 1873
Start: 1144 BCE
MidPt: 947 BCE
EndPt: 749 BCE
Start: 63081 YA
MidPt: 59139 YA
EndPt: 55196 YA
Start: 1262 TYA
MidPt: 1183 TYA
EndPt: 1104 TYA
Start: 25.2 MYA
MidPt: 23.7 MYA
EndPt: 22.1 MYA
Start: 504.7 MYA
MidPt: 473.1 MYA
EndPt: 441.6 MYA
Start: 10.1 BYA
MidPt: 9.5 BYA
EndPt: 8.8 BYA
Heaven 7 / Day 4
Cinteotl: God of Maize and Sustenance
Start: 24-Jun-2011
MidPt: 3-Jul-2011
EndPt: 12-Jul-2011
Start: 3-Dec-2004
MidPt: 1-Jun-2005
EndPt: 28-Nov-2005
Start: 1873
MidPt: 1883
EndPt: 1893
Start: 749 BCE
MidPt: 552 BCE
EndPt: 355 BCE
Start: 55196 YA
MidPt: 51253 YA
EndPt: 47311 YA
Start: 1104 TYA
MidPt: 1025 TYA
EndPt: 946 TYA
Start: 22.1 MYA
MidPt: 20.5 MYA
EndPt: 18.9 MYA
Start: 441.6 MYA
MidPt: 410.0 MYA
EndPt: 378.5 MYA
Start: 8.8 BYA
MidPt: 8.2 BYA
EndPt: 7.6 BYA
Heaven 8 / Night 4
Expansion of New Wave
Tlaloc: God of Rain and War
Start: 12-Jul-2011
MidPt: 21-Jul-2011
EndPt: 30-Jul-2011
Start: 28-Nov-2005
MidPt: 27-May-2006
EndPt: 23-Nov-2006
Start: 1893
MidPt: 1903
EndPt: 1913
Start: 355 BCE
MidPt: 158 BCE
EndPt: 40 CE
Start: 47311 YA
MidPt: 43368 YA
EndPt: 39426 YA
Start: 946 TYA
MidPt: 867 TYA
EndPt: 789 TYA
Start: 18.9 MYA
MidPt: 17.3 MYA
EndPt: 15.8 MYA
Start: 378.5 MYA
MidPt: 346.9 MYA
EndPt: 315.4 MYA
Start: 7.6 BYA
MidPt: 6.9 BYA
EndPt: 6.3 BYA
Heaven 9 / Day 5
Quetzalcoatl: God of Light
Start: 30-Jul-2011
MidPt: 8-Aug-2011
EndPt: 17-Aug-2011
Start: 23-Nov-2006
MidPt: 22-May-2007
EndPt: 18-Nov-2007
Start: 1913
MidPt: 1923
EndPt: 1932
Start: 40 CE
MidPt: 237 CE
EndPt: 434 CE
Start: 39426 YA
MidPt: 35483 YA
EndPt: 31540 YA
Start: 789 TYA
MidPt: 710 TYA
EndPt: 631 TYA
Start: 15.8 MYA
MidPt: 14.2 MYA
EndPt: 12.6 MYA
Start: 315.4 MYA
MidPt: 283.9 MYA
EndPt: 252.3 MYA
Start: 6.3 BYA
MidPt: 5.7 BYA
EndPt: 5.0 BYA
Heaven 10 / Night 5
Tezcatlipoca: God of Darkness
Start: 17-Aug-2011
MidPt: 26-Aug-2011
EndPt: 4-Sep-2011
Start: 18-Nov-2007
MidPt: 16-May-2008
EndPt: 12-Nov-2008
Start: 1932
MidPt: 1942
EndPt: 1952
Start: 434 CE
MidPt: 631 CE
EndPt: 829 CE
Start: 31540 YA
MidPt: 27598 YA
EndPt: 23655 YA
Start: 631 TYA
MidPt: 552 TYA
EndPt: 473 TYA
Start: 12.6 MYA
MidPt: 11.0 MYA
EndPt: 9.5 MYA
Start: 252.3 MYA
MidPt: 220.8 MYA
EndPt: 189.2 MYA
Start: 5.0 BYA
MidPt: 4.4 BYA
EndPt: 3.8 BYA
Heaven 11 / Day 6
Yohualticitl: Goddess of Birth
Start: 4-Sep-2011
MidPt: 13-Sep-2011
EndPt: 22-Sep-2011
Start: 12-Nov-2008
MidPt: 11-May-2009
EndPt: 7-Nov-2009
Start: 1952
MidPt: 1962
EndPt: 1972
Start: 829 CE
MidPt: 1026 CE
EndPt: 1223 CE
Start: 23655 YA
MidPt: 19713 YA
EndPt: 15770 YA
Start: 473 TYA
MidPt: 394 TYA
EndPt: 315 TYA
Start: 9.5 MYA
MidPt: 7.9 MYA
EndPt: 6.3 MYA
Start: 189.2 MYA
MidPt: 157.7 MYA
EndPt: 126.2 MYA
Start: 3.8 BYA
MidPt: 3.2 BYA
EndPt: 2.5 BYA
Heaven 12 / Night 6
Fine Tuning of New Protoform
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli: God before Dawn
Start: 22-Sep-2011
MidPt: 1-Oct-2011
EndPt: 10-Oct-2011
Start: 7-Nov-2009
MidPt: 6-May-2010
EndPt: 2-Nov-2010
Start: 1972
MidPt: 1982
EndPt: 1992
Start: 1223 CE
MidPt: 1420 CE
EndPt: 1617 CE
Start: 15770 YA
MidPt: 11827 YA
EndPt: 7885 YA
Start: 315 TYA
MidPt: 237 TYA
EndPt: 158 TYA
Start: 6.3 MYA
MidPt: 4.7 MYA
EndPt: 3.2 MYA
Start: 126.2 MYA
MidPt: 94.6 MYA
EndPt: 63.1 MYA
Start: 2.5 BYA
MidPt: 1.9 BYA
EndPt: 1.3 BYA
Heaven 13 / Day 7
Ometeotl/Omecinatl: Dual-Creator God
Start: 10-Oct-2011
MidPt: 19-Oct-2011
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 2-Nov-2010
MidPt: 1-May-2011
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 1992
MidPt: 2001
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 1617 CE
MidPt: 1814 CE
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 7885 YA
MidPt: 3942 YA
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 158 TYA
MidPt: 79 TYA
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 3.2 MYA
MidPt: 1.6 MYA
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 63.1 MYA
MidPt: 31.5 MYA
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011
Start: 1.3 BYA
MidPt: 0.6 BYA
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011


Alternative Dates (NOW DEPRECATED)

Calleman's published chart works on the basis that each heaven of the Universal underworld is 20 days long (following a Tzolkin count). But this breaks the divide-by-twenty rule, because the Galactic has 360 days for each heaven, which would make each Universal heaven 18 days long. Calleman touched on this point in his book, deciding provisionally on 20 days there, but changed his mind in more recent analysis. It seems that the 20-day cycle is still relevant, but much less important than the 18-day heaven cycle. For completeness, the cycle based on 20-day heavens is shown below:

  Final Tzolkin Count
(alternative dates for
Univeral Underworld)
Heaven 1 / Day 1
Xiuhtecuhtli: God of Fire and Time
Start: 10-Feb-2011
MidPt: 20-Feb-2011
EndPt: 2-Mar-2011
Heaven 2 / Night 1
Inner Assimilation of New Wave
Tlaltecuhtli: God of Earth
Start: 2-Mar-2011
MidPt: 12-Mar-2011
EndPt: 22-Mar-2011
Heaven 3 / Day 2
Chalchiuhtlicue: Goddess of Water
Start: 22-Mar-2011
MidPt: 1-Apr-2011
EndPt: 11-Apr-2011
Heaven 4 / Night 2
Resistance against New Wave
Tonatiuh: God of Sun and Warriors
Start: 11-Apr-2011
MidPt: 21-Apr-2011
EndPt: 1-May-2011
Heaven 5 / Day 3
Tlacoteotl: Goddess of Love and Childbirth
Start: 1-May-2011
MidPt: 11-May-2011
EndPt: 21-May-2011
Heaven 6 / Night 3
Assimilation of New Wave
Mictlantechutli: God of Death
Start: 21-May-2011
MidPt: 31-May-2011
EndPt: 10-Jun-2011
Heaven 7 / Day 4
Cinteotl: God of Maize and Sustenance
Start: 10-Jun-2011
MidPt: 20-Jun-2011
EndPt: 30-Jun-2011
Heaven 8 / Night 4
Expansion of New Wave
Tlaloc: God of Rain and War
Start: 30-Jun-2011
MidPt: 10-Jul-2011
EndPt: 20-Jul-2011
Heaven 9 / Day 5
Quetzalcoatl: God of Light
Start: 20-Jul-2011
MidPt: 30-Jul-2011
EndPt: 9-Aug-2011
Heaven 10 / Night 5
Tezcatlipoca: God of Darkness
Start: 9-Aug-2011
MidPt: 19-Aug-2011
EndPt: 29-Aug-2011
Heaven 11 / Day 6
Yohualticitl: Goddess of Birth
Start: 29-Aug-2011
MidPt: 8-Sep-2011
EndPt: 18-Sep-2011
Heaven 12 / Night 6
Fine Tuning of New Protoform
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli: God before Dawn
Start: 18-Sep-2011
MidPt: 28-Sep-2011
EndPt: 8-Oct-2011
Heaven 13 / Day 7
Ometeotl/Omecinatl: Dual-Creator God
Start: 8-Oct-2011
MidPt: 18-Oct-2011
EndPt: 28-Oct-2011

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