SBaGen and I-Doser
I-Doser uses SBaGen as its binaural
beat engine. SBaGen's source code has always been licensed by its
author (Jim Peters) under the GNU GPLv2.
Up until June 2007, I-Doser was distributed in violation of SBaGen's
license. However, an agreement was reached between Jim Peters and
I-Doser in June 2007, as below.
Please note that this agreement does NOT mean that Jim Peters
approves of I-Doser's use of high amplitude binaural beats to attempt
to emulate the effects of recreational drugs -- not in any way. The
brain is a sensitive instrument, and binaural beats are best used in a
sensitive and conscious manner. There are very many positive benefits
that can be gained through subtle use of binaural beats, such as those
promoted by CenterPointe
through their program, or by the Monroe
Institute, or by the sequences supplied with SBaGen. Those interested in other
possibilities are encouraged to read some of the sites linked to, or
read about and experiment with some of the sequences supplied with
With that said, you may now navigate from this page in whichever
direction you choose!
Thanks for reading --
Jim Peters
This is a list of things that I-Doser still have to do before they
come into compliance with the agreement below. This section will be
deleted when all points are complete.
- Provide fully GPL-compliant source code for the sbagen-derived
DLL. Note that I-Doser have twice put up incomplete source code
for their sbagen-derived DLL, and I am fast losing patience with
them. They have since sent a new version by E-mail for testing,
which I will get around to soon, but this is not yet included in the
installer. See the notes below.
In June 2007, Jim Peters (SBaGen author) and I-Doser agreed as
- Jim Peters grants a linking exclusion to I-Doser.com to to allow
them to link their closed source application against a
sbagen-derived DLL in exchange for prominent links from the I-Doser
site, from the C-Net download.com page (or whichever site is used
for the downloads) and from the I-Doser application itself to this
page on the SBaGen site:
http://uazu.net/sbagen/i-doser.html (for example, a
"Powered by SBaGen" link, or whatever). The linking exclusion is
conditional on the maintenance of those links.
- Apart from the specific linking exclusion granted above, all terms
of the GPL must be adhered to. These include (but are not limited
to): making it clear to users of the application that it is based on
open-source code, and that the source code is available to them; and
including the complete sbagen-derived source code with the
application or making it available as a separate unrestricted
- I-Doser will pay Jim Peters a one-off payment of $1000 as token
(symbolic) damages for the misuse of his code over the period of
time that I-Doser was distributed in violation of its license.
Please note that this agreement does not apply to newer versions of
SBaGen (version 1.4.4R and above) which have a shared copyright due to
substantial contributions from others.
I-Doser supplied several incomplete versions of the source-code for
their SBaGen-derived DLL. The code provided so far is included here
(less the NCB file which is not really required). The final ZIP is
still being tested.
- idoser-gpl-src-v0.zip:
Incomplete source, does not build.
- idoser-gpl-src-v1.zip:
Builds, but DLL generated is not compatible with the DLL actually
shipped with the program, i.e. we still don't have the source for the
supplied DLL. A number of functions present in the v0 code and the
'live' DLL are not present in this v1 source code.
- idoser-gpl-src-v2.zip:
This version was supplied by I-Doser by E-mail, and still needs
testing fully. It has not yet been included in the I-Doser installer.

These pages and files, including applets and artwork,
are Copyright (c) 1997-2019 Jim Peters
unless otherwise stated. Please contact
me if you'd like to use anything not explicitly released, or if
you have something interesting to discuss.