Scary self-portraits

or "Have webcam ... will experiment"

Well, this set of pictures resulted from a particular state of mind I was in, rather than from an attempt to represent my character in any kind of objective sense, so don't look at this if you hope to recognise me in the street. Anyway, I was messing around with a load of experimental shots I'd taken with my el-cheapo SiPix StyleCam Blink digital camara -- I was using XV to modify them and crop them and so on -- and I was playing around with effects, and I thought I'd stick a few of the results I especially liked together on a page. In particular I liked the way the despeckle effect gave everything a smooth painted or even plastic look. Also, I'm short-sighted, so this is how the world looks most of the time to me anyway. So, probably best to look at this as ART rather than anything else ...

Note: Some of the weird effects in very dark areas seem to be due to a bug in XV and/or the camara, normally invisible but in these cases exaggerated by the colour manipulation I did in XV. I had to retouch some of the pictures to get rid of this, but I kept the effect in one of them.

Look on the bright side ...

... or perhaps better stick with the dark side.
Ugly, man!
Ugly, man! (fear and loathing). Some voodoo child -- not me.
(This photo strangely popular with freaky girls web-searching for ugly men; hello ladies!)

Everything is coming up tulips.

UAZUNextUp- These pages and files, including applets and artwork, are Copyright (c) 1997-2019 Jim Peters unless otherwise stated. Please contact me if you'd like to use anything not explicitly released, or if you have something interesting to discuss.