This is my "book-jacket" script. It is based on my own PS-generating Perl module, which is included below it. I am also using my own hacked-together GSF version of the TeX TT font, which is a bit lumpy but still a lot better than Courier or Courier-Bold, IMHO. See the very bottom for this.
Typical use: create a file called "out-jacket" in the current directory containing the spine text (first line) and front cover text (following lines). Run the script with something like "book-jacket 14", assuming the spine should be 14 mm wide. Alignment of the spine within the A4 piece of paper works for my HL-760 printer, but might need adjusting on other printers. (I did end up adjusting this script to send the page out upside down, because I found that that gave more reliable results.)
#!/usr/bin/perl use JSP::TextPS; sub usage { die <<END; Usage: book-jacket [options] <spine-thickness-mm> -w Double-width letters on spine -ww Triple-width letters on spine (etc) END } usage() unless (@ARGV); $mult= 1; while (@ARGV > 0 && substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) eq '-') { my $opt= substr($ARGV[0], 1); shift @ARGV; for (split(//, $opt)) { if ($_ eq 'w') { $mult++; } else { usage(); } } } usage() unless (@ARGV); $spine= shift @ARGV; $spine *= 72 / 25.4; $spine= int($spine); $gap= 36; $z= new JSP::TextPS(); die "Can't find an `out-jacket' file" unless open IN, "<out-jacket"; my @txt= (); while (<IN>) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if ($_ eq ''); push @txt, $_; } die unless close IN; $spmsg= shift @txt; $z->Grid(421 - $gap, 595-$gap, 180, 421-$gap-$gap, 595-$gap-$gap, 5, 0, 1, 1.0, "TeXTT", 0); my $rr= 5; while (@txt) { $rr--; $msg= pop @txt; $z->Text($rr, 0, $msg); } ($r, $c, $pt)= $z->Fit($spine, 595, 1, 0, 0, 0.5); $c /= $mult; # $c= int($c); $z->Grid(421, 0, 0, $spine, 595, 1, $c, 0, $mult, "TeXTT", 0); $z->Text(0, 0.5 * ($c-length($spmsg)), $spmsg); #$z->BBox(0, 0, 1, 1, 0); #$z->BBox(0, $c-1, 1, 1, 0); $z->Output(""); print "See `'\n"; ## END ##
This is my JSP::TextPS Perl module, required by the above script. It should be put somewhere like /usr/local/lib/site_perl/JSP/ (depending on your distribution):
# Perl module for generating nice mono-spaced text PS files. # Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Jim Peters <>. This file is # released under the same terms as Perl 5 itself. package JSP::TextPS; use strict; use vars qw(@map8bit); =pod =head1 Usage use JSP::TextPS; $xx= new JSP::TextPS($paptyp, $land); $xx= new JSP::TextPS($paptyp); $xx= new JSP::TextPS(); Defaults to ('A4', 0) ie A4 portrait; $land is non-0 for landscape orientation. $paptyp may be [$wid,$hgt] for arbitrary sizes. $xx->TGray($lev); Set default gray-level for text (0: black/ink to 1: white/paper) (def 0) $xx->BGray($lev); Set default gray-level for boxes (0: black/ink to 1: white/paper) (def 0) $xx->LWid($lwid); Set default line-width for boxes (1.0: normal, <1.0 narrower etc.) (def 1) ($rr,$cc,$pt)= $xx->Fit($hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols, $pt, $rat); Test to see how text will fit into a given rectangle, without using condensing/leading. Only one out of '$rows', '$cols' and '$pt' should be set; the other two should be zero. The results are calculated based on '$rat', which is the width-to-point size ratio for the font: 0.6 for Courier, and 0.5 for TeXTT, and '$hgt' and '$wid' which are in points. Note that the results (esp '$rr' and '$cc') will not be integers. $xx->Grid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols, $lead, $cond, $font, $pt); Setup a grid to write characters/boxes onto. Arguments are as follows: ($tly,$tlx) top-left pos relative to top-left of paper, +ve y is down, in points, ($orient) orientation of grid relative to normal, degrees, +ve anticlockwise rotation, ($hgt,$wid) height and width of rectangle containing grid, in points, ($rows,$cols) number of rows and columns of text to fit in rectangle, ($lead) text leading factor: 1.0 normal, <1.0 less, >1.0 more leading, ($cond) text condensing factor: 1.0 normal, <1.0 condensed, >1.0 expanded, ($font) font name: eg "Courier", or "TeXTT", ($pt) point size. Note that certain out of wid/hgt/cols/rows/cond/lead/pt may be 0, in which case they are calculated from the other values. In general one of wid/cols/cond must be 0, and one of hgt/rows/lead, unless pt is 0, in which case one set of 3 must be complete in order to calculate the point size. $xx->GGrid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols); $xx->GGrid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows); $xx->GGrid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid); Setup a grid that will be used for drawing boxes/circles only; character cells are, by default, 1pt x 1pt, so '$rows==$hgt' and '$cols==$wid'; rows and columns may be specified if required. $xx->Text($r, $c, $txt, $gray, $bhgt); $xx->Text($r, $c, $txt, $gray); $xx->Text($r, $c, $txt); Write text to the grid at ($r,$c). '$txt' may be a reference to an array of strings (written line-by-line below the first), or a string containing embedded newlines. The gray-level may be specified if required. '$bhgt' is the blank-line height, defaulting to 1. Returns the next row down available. The lines may contain embedded backspaces to overprint characters. Characters 17->31 are mapped to box parts: b3-b0: NSEW (see below). $xx->Box($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray, $lwid); $xx->Box($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray); $xx->Box($r, $c, $h, $w); Draw a box with lines, between the centres of the characters in the corners of the rectangle described. Gray-level and line-width may be specified. $xx->FBox($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray); $xx->FBox($r, $c, $h, $w); Draw a filled box between the centres of the characters in the corners of the rectangle described. Gray-level may be specified. $xx->BBox($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray); $xx->BBox($r, $c, $h, $w); Draw a filled background box covering the entire rectangle described. Gray-level may be specified. $xx->Cir($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray, $lwid); $xx->Cir($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray); $xx->Cir($r, $c, $h, $w); Draw an unfilled circle/ellipse touching the edges of the rectangle specified. Gray-level and line width may be specified. $xx->BCir($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray, $rsz); $xx->BCir($r, $c, $h, $w, $gray); $xx->BCir($r, $c, $h, $w); Draw a filled circle/ellipse to fill the rectangle specified. Gray-level may be specified. '$rsz' gives the relative size: 1=>100% 0.8=>80% etc. $xx->Line($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2); Draw a line from the top-left of one character to the top-left of another. $xx->EndPage; Mark the end of a page. $xx->Output($out); Write the entire postscript file to a file named $out. $xx->page_sx; Page width (from parameters to TextPS->new()). $xx->page_sy; Page height (from parameters to TextPS->new()). $txt= $xx->Conv8bit($txt) Convert 8-bit characters (accents etc) to overprinting PS sequences. =over 4 =item * Note that row and column numbers start at (0,0) for top-left. Fractional row/column numbers are permitted, and may be useful for centering odd/even strings in table columns. =item * Wherever a grey-level can be specified, an [r,g,b] array ref may be used instead to specify a colour. =head1 Sub-Grids It is possible to temporarily set up a new grid within a region of the current grid for drawing and/or text, and then to return to the original grid once this is done. This may be used for text effects (bigger/smaller/stretched) within a layout. Sub-grids may be nested. $xx->SubGrid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols, $lead, $cond, $font, $pt); $xx->SubGGrid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols); $xx->SubGGrid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows); $xx->SubGGrid($tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid); Setup grids as for Grid() and GGrid(). $xx->RestGrid; Restore previous nested grid. =head1 Box-parts Box parts are represented by character codes 0x11 to 0x1F. The low nybble is shown below - imagine a leading 0x1 before each. 6--3--7--3--5 4 11 == 17 19 == 25 | | | | 12 == 18 1A == 26 C C C C 13 == 19 1B == 27 | | | | 14 == 20 1C == 28 E--3--F--3--D 2--3--F--3--1 15 == 21 1D == 29 | | | | 16 == 22 1E == 30 C C C C 17 == 23 1F == 31 | | | | 18 == 24 A--3--B--3--9 8 =cut sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $S = { plist => [], curr => [], # Current page (list of strings) gray => "0 G", # Initial gray-level tgray => 0, # Initial text gray-level bgray => 0, # Initial box gray-level lwid => 1.0, # Initial line width sublev => 0 # Number of sub-grids active }; my $pgsize= shift || "A4"; my $land= (@_) ? shift : 0; # Fill in params if ('ARRAY' eq ref $pgsize) { ($S->{psx}, $S->{psy})= @{$pgsize}; $S->{pname}= sprintf("%dx%d", @{$pgsize}); } elsif ('A4' eq $pgsize) { $S->{psx}= 595; $S->{psy}= 842; $S->{pname}= "A4"; } else { die "Invalid page type: $pgsize"; } $S->{landsc}= $land; if ($land) { $S->{page_sx}= $S->{psy}; $S->{page_sy}= $S->{psx}; } else { $S->{page_sx}= $S->{psx}; $S->{page_sy}= $S->{psy}; } bless ($S, $class); return $S; } sub TGray { my $S= shift; $S->{tgray}= shift; } sub BGray { my $S= shift; $S->{bgray}= shift; } sub LWid { my ($S, $rat)= @_; push @{$S->{curr}}, "$rat W" unless ($rat == $S->{lwid}); $S->{lwid}= $rat; } sub EndPage { my $S= shift; $S->RestGrid while ($S->{sublev}); push @{$S->{plist}}, ["BEGIN", @{$S->{curr}}, "END"]; $S->{curr}= []; } sub set_gray { my ($S, $lev)= @_; $lev= $S->{bgray} if ($lev == -1); $lev= $S->{tgray} if ($lev == -2); if ('ARRAY' eq ref $lev) { my ($r, $g, $b)= @{$lev}; $lev= ($r << 16) + ($g << 8) + $b; $lev= "$lev RGB"; } else { $lev= "$lev G"; } if ($lev ne $S->{gray}) { $S->{gray}= $lev; push @{$S->{curr}}, $lev; } } sub Fit { my ($S, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols, $pt, $rat)= @_; if ($rows) { $pt= $hgt / $rows; $cols= $wid / ($pt * $rat); } elsif ($cols) { $pt= $wid / ($cols * $rat); $rows= $hgt / $pt; } else { $rows= $hgt / $pt; $cols= $wid / ($pt * $rat); } return ($rows, $cols, $pt); } # Setup a grid to place text/boxes on; (tlx,tly) are relative to top-left of page, # in points, with +ve increasing down & right. Takes care of landscape if set. # Point size must be specified, or be derivable from either (wid,cols,cond) or # (hgt,rows,lead), in which case 0 is passed. Once point size is established, one # out of (wid,cols,cond) must be 0, and one out of (hgt,rows,lead), which will be # calculated to fit the point size. sub Grid { my ($S, $tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols, $lead, $cond, $font, $pt)= @_; $S->RestGrid while $S->{sublev}; if ($S->{landsc}) { $orient += 90; ($tly, $tlx)= ($tlx, $tly); } else { $tly= $S->{psy} - $tly; } die "Bad arguments to Grid - too many elements left as zero" if ($pt == 0 && !(($wid && $cols && $cond) || ($hgt && $rows && $lead))); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$orient $tlx $tly $wid $hgt $cols $rows $cond $lead $pt /$font TG"; # These are reset by 'TG' $S->{gray}= "0 G"; $S->{lwid}= 1; } sub GGrid { my ($S, $tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols)= @_; $rows= $hgt unless defined $rows; $cols= $wid unless defined $cols; $S->RestGrid while $S->{sublev}; if ($S->{landsc}) { $orient += 90; ($tly, $tlx)= ($tlx, $tly); } else { $tly= $S->{psy} - $tly; } push @{$S->{curr}}, "$orient $tlx $tly $wid $hgt $cols $rows GG"; # These are reset by 'GG' $S->{gray}= "0 G"; $S->{lwid}= 1; } sub SubGrid { my ($S, $tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols, $lead, $cond, $font, $pt)= @_; die "Bad arguments to SubGrid - too many elements left as zero" if ($pt == 0 && !(($wid && $cols && $cond) || ($hgt && $rows && $lead))); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$orient $tlx $tly $wid $hgt $cols $rows $cond $lead $pt /$font STG"; # These are reset by 'STG' $S->{gray}= "0 G"; $S->{lwid}= 1; $S->{sublev}++; } sub SubGGrid { my ($S, $tly, $tlx, $orient, $hgt, $wid, $rows, $cols)= @_; $rows= $hgt unless defined $rows; $cols= $wid unless defined $cols; $S->RestGrid while $S->{sublev}; push @{$S->{curr}}, "$orient $tlx $tly $wid $hgt $cols $rows SGG"; # These are reset by 'GG' $S->{gray}= "0 G"; $S->{lwid}= 1; $S->{sublev}++; } sub RestGrid { my $S= shift; push @{$S->{curr}}, "RG"; die "Too many calls to RestGrid" if (0 > --$S->{sublev}); } sub TextLine { my ($S, $row, $col, $str, $gray)= @_; $gray= -2 unless defined $gray; my $col2= $col; my $str2= $str; $str =~ tr/\x11-\x1F/ /; # Keep normal chars $str =~ s/([\(\)\\])/\\$1/g; # Quote ()\ $str =~ s/\s+$//; $str =~ s/^(\s*)//; $col += length($1); if ($str ne '') { $S->set_gray($gray); push @{$S->{curr}}, "($str) $row $col T"; } $str2 =~ tr/\x11-\x1F/ /c; # Keep only box chars $str2 =~ tr/\x11-\x1F/A-Z/; # Convert to A-O $str2 =~ s/\s+$//; $str2 =~ s/^(\s*)//; $col2 += length($1); if ($str2 ne '') { $S->set_gray($gray); push @{$S->{curr}}, "($str2) $row $col2 BT"; } } # Write a block of text; 'str' may be a string containing newline # characters, or a reference to an array of strings. The lines may # contain BS (0x08) characters to overprint characters. Box # characters are 0x11 to 0x1F. sub Text { my ($S, $row, $col0, $str, $gray, $bhgt)= @_; $gray= -2 unless defined $gray; $bhgt= 1 unless defined $bhgt; for (('ARRAY' eq ref $str) ? @{$str} : split(/\n/, $str)) { if (/^\s*$/) { $row += $bhgt; next; } my $col= $col0; for my $seg (split(/\010/, $_)) { $S->TextLine($row, $col, $seg, $gray); $col += length($seg) - 1; } $row++; } return $row; } sub Box { my ($S, $row, $col, $hgt, $wid, $gray, $lwid)= @_; $lwid= 1 unless defined $lwid; $S->set_gray(defined($gray) ? $gray : -1); $S->LWid($lwid); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$row $col $hgt $wid B"; } sub FBox { my ($S, $row, $col, $hgt, $wid, $gray)= @_; $S->set_gray(defined($gray) ? $gray : -1); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$row $col $hgt $wid FB"; } sub BBox { my ($S, $row, $col, $hgt, $wid, $gray)= @_; $S->set_gray(defined($gray) ? $gray : -1); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$row $col $hgt $wid BB"; } sub Cir { my ($S, $row, $col, $hgt, $wid, $gray)= @_; $S->set_gray(defined($gray) ? $gray : -1); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$row $col $hgt $wid C"; } sub BCir { my ($S, $row, $col, $hgt, $wid, $gray, $rsz)= @_; $rsz= 1 unless defined $rsz; $S->set_gray(defined($gray) ? $gray : -1); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$row $col $hgt $wid $rsz BC"; } sub Line { my ($S, $r1, $c1, $r2, $c2, $gray)= @_; $S->set_gray(defined($gray) ? $gray : -1); push @{$S->{curr}}, "$r1 $c1 $r2 $c2 BC"; } sub Output { my ($S, $fnam)= @_; $S->EndPage if (@{$S->{curr}}); die "Can't create output file: $fnam" unless open TEXTPS_OUT, ">$fnam"; my $n_pages= @{$S->{plist}}; print STDERR "Pages: $n_pages\n"; my @tmp; push @tmp, "%!PS-Adobe-3.0"; push @tmp, "%%Pages: $n_pages"; push @tmp, "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 $S->{psx} $S->{psy}"; push @tmp, "%%Orientation: " . ($S->{landsc} ? "Landscape" : "Portrait"); push @tmp, "%%DocumentMedia: $S->{pname} $S->{psx} $S->{psy} 75 white ()"; push @tmp, <<'END-PS'; %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /WorkDict 20 dict def WorkDict begin /xdef { exch def } bind def /abort { /_aborting_ add } bind def /BEGIN { gsave } bind def /END { grestore showpage } bind def /G { setgray } bind def /RGB { dup -16 bitshift 255 and 255 div exch dup -8 bitshift 255 and 255 div exch 255 and 255 div setrgbcolor } bind def /W { mx 0.2 mul mul setlinewidth } def /chkzeros {0 3 {exch 0 eq {1 add} if} repeat dup 2 ge {abort} if 1 eq} bind def /TG { grestore gsave findfont /f xdef /pt xdef /lead xdef /cond xdef /rr xdef /cc xdef /sy xdef /sx xdef translate rotate /csx f setfont (O) stringwidth pop def /zyy lead rr sy chkzeros def /zxx cond cc sx chkzeros def pt 0 eq { zxx {zyy {abort} {sy rr div lead div /pt xdef} ifelse } {sx cc div cond div csx div /pt xdef} ifelse } if zxx { cond 0 eq {/cond sx cc pt csx mul mul div def} if cc 0 eq {/cc sx pt csx cond mul mul div def} if sx 0 eq {/sx cc pt csx cond mul mul mul def} if } if zyy { lead 0 eq {/lead sy rr pt mul div def} if rr 0 eq {/rr sy pt lead mul div def} if sy 0 eq {/sy rr pt lead mul mul def} if } if 0 0 moveto sx 0 lineto sx sy neg lineto 0 sy neg lineto closepath clip newpath f pt scalefont setfont 0 0 moveto (O) false charpath flattenpath pathbbox newpath exch pop 3 -1 roll pop add 0.5 mul /cadj xdef pt lead 0.5 mul mul cadj add neg 0 exch translate cond 1 scale /mx pt csx mul def /my pt lead mul neg def 0 G 1 W } def /GG { grestore gsave /rr xdef /cc xdef /sy xdef /sx xdef translate rotate 0 0 moveto sx 0 lineto sx sy neg lineto 0 sy neg lineto closepath clip newpath 0 /cadj xdef 1 /cond xdef /mx sx cc div def /my sy rr div neg def my 0.5 mul 0 exch translate 0 G 1 W } def /STG { 1 cond div 1 scale gsave f pt lead cond rr cc sy sx cadj mx my 22 11 roll 11 6 roll my mul neg 11 1 roll mx cond mul mul 11 1 roll -0.5 add my mul cadj add 11 1 roll mx cond mul mul 11 2 roll TG } def /SGG { 1 cond div 1 scale gsave f pt lead cond rr cc sy sx cadj mx my 18 11 roll 7 2 roll my mul neg 7 1 roll mx cond mul mul 7 1 roll -0.5 add my mul cadj add 7 1 roll mx cond mul mul 7 2 roll GG } def /RG { grestore /my xdef /mx xdef /cadj xdef /sx xdef /sy xdef /cc xdef /rr xdef /cond xdef /lead xdef /pt xdef /f xdef cond 1 scale } def /T { mx mul exch my mul moveto show } def /BP { 0.5 add mx mul exch my mul cadj add 2 copy moveto 2 index 1 and 0 ne {mx -0.5 mul 0 rlineto 2 copy lineto} if 2 index 2 and 0 ne {mx 0.5 mul 0 rlineto 2 copy lineto} if 2 index 4 and 0 ne {0 my 0.5 mul rlineto 2 copy lineto} if 2 index 8 and 0 ne {0 my -0.5 mul rlineto 2 copy lineto} if pop pop pop stroke } def /BT { 3 2 roll {3 copy pop BP 1 add} forall pop pop } def /B { 4 2 roll 0.5 add mx mul exch my mul cadj add moveto -1 add mx mul /ww xdef -1 add my mul /hh xdef ww 0 rlineto 0 hh rlineto ww neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke } def /FB { 4 2 roll 0.5 add mx mul exch my mul cadj add moveto -1 add mx mul /ww xdef -1 add my mul /hh xdef ww 0 rlineto 0 hh rlineto ww neg 0 rlineto closepath fill } def /BB { 4 2 roll mx mul exch -0.5 add my mul cadj add moveto mx mul /ww xdef my mul /hh xdef ww 0 rlineto 0 hh rlineto ww neg 0 rlineto closepath fill } def /C { 4 2 roll mx mul /xx xdef -0.5 add my mul cadj add /yy xdef mx mul /ww xdef my mul /hh xdef gsave [ 1 0 0 hh ww div xx yy ] concat ww 0.5 mul dup dup 360 0 arcn closepath stroke grestore } def /BC { 0.5 mul /rsz xdef 4 2 roll mx mul /xx xdef -0.5 add my mul cadj add /yy xdef mx mul /ww xdef my mul /hh xdef gsave [ ww 0 0 hh xx yy ] concat 0.5 0.5 rsz 360 0 arcn closepath fill grestore } def /L { mx mul exch -0.5 add my mul cadj add moveto mx mul exch -0.5 add my mul cadj add lineto stroke } def end %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup WorkDict begin END-PS push @tmp, "%%PaperSize: $S->{pname}"; push @tmp, "%%EndSetup\n"; print TEXTPS_OUT join("\n", @tmp); my $pnum= 0; for my $pag (@{$S->{plist}}) { $pnum++; print TEXTPS_OUT "%%Page: $pnum $pnum\n"; my $ind= 0; for (@{$pag}) { my $len= length($_); if ($ind + $len > 75) { print TEXTPS_OUT "\n", $_; $ind= $len; } else { print TEXTPS_OUT " ", $_; $ind += $len + 1; } } print TEXTPS_OUT "\n" if ($ind); } print TEXTPS_OUT "%%Trailer\n"; print TEXTPS_OUT "end\n"; print TEXTPS_OUT "%%EOF\n"; die "Error writing to $fnam" unless close TEXTPS_OUT; # Release memory consumed by stored pages $S->{plist}= []; $S->{curr}= []; } sub page_sx { my $S= shift; return $S->{page_sx}; } sub page_sy { my $S= shift; return $S->{page_sy}; } @map8bit= ("<\x08>", "\xA1", "\xA2", "\xA3", "<\x08>", "\xA5", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "\xCA", "<\x08>", "\xC5", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "\xCF", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "\xBF", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "A\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "X", "C\x08\xCB", "<\x08>", "E\x08\xC2", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "N\x08\xC4", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "O\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "U\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "a\x08\xC1", "a\x08\xC2", "a\x08\xC3", "<\x08>", "a\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "c\x08\xCB", "e\x08\xC1", "e\x08\xC2", "e\x08\xC3", "e\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "i\x08\xC2", "i\x08\xC3", "i\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "n\x08\xC4", "<\x08>", "o\x08\xC2", "o\x08\xC3", "<\x08>", "o\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "u\x08\xC2", "u\x08\xC3", "u\x08\xC8", "<\x08>", "<\x08>", "<\x08>" ); sub Conv8bit { my ($S, $str)= @_; $str =~ s/([\xA0-\xFF])/$map8bit[ord($1)-160]/eg; return $str; } 1; ## END ##
The final bit you require to reproduce my setup exactly (assuming
this is really what you want to do) is to install my TeXTT GhostScript
font. This is a crude translation of the TeX typewriter monospace
font into a GhostScript font. You need to add the following line to
your /etc/gs.Fontmap (for Debian at least):
/TeXTT (tt10.gsf) ;
and download the
tt10.gsf file to
/usr/share/gs-aladdin/7.03/tt10.gsf or
/usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/tt10.gsf or maybe both.
If I've forgotten to include anything, let me know.
-- Jim