The person known as "Jim Peters"
Here is a random list of bits and bobs of information about me,
with some keywords emboldened to guide the eye:
- I'm fairly clever -- I did well at school, and got high
results (five "A"s at A-level: Double Maths / Physics / Chemistry /
General Studies; I was one of the top few people in the country that
year for A-level Maths). I went on to Oxford University to
read Physics (Merton College, 1989), where I burned myself out
doing very well in the first year, struggled on through the second
year, and eventually dropped out before the third year. After a few
months of paid work, I headed off to Mexico to rethink my life.
- I have a strong interest in personal healing and
spiritual development in all its many forms. I am a Reiki
and Seichim Master, I use Taoist techniques regularly
(Mantak Chia / Barefoot Doctor), I have strong connections with the
Toltec tradition (Carlos Castaneda / Taisha Abelar / Florinda
Donner / Victor Sanchez / Ken Eagle-Feather / Merilyn Tunneshende),
and I have attended a number of courses on both Toltec and more
general shamanic stuff, including a period of intense work in
Peru with Ayahuasca and other traditional Peruvian plant medicines.
- I enjoy dance and movement. I've been dancing
Latin styles in my own crazy way for many many years now (Salsa
/ Merengue / Samba-Reggae). I've seen the Birmingham scene grow from
one club night a fortnight to events every night of the week.
Regarding martial arts: I trained in Sul Ki Do when I
was at Oxford (a mixture of hard and soft Korean styles); I did Tai
Chi later on, eventually learning a very nice short Shaolin
form from a Chinese friend; I studied Castaneda's Tensegrity as
soon as it came out, which I find very powerful; and I have also done
some training in Capoeira. I have also enjoyed Shamanic
Trance Dance and experimented with Five Rhythm
- I seem to have an interest in brain-waves. A long time
back I wrote my SBaGen tool to experiment with
binaural beat entrainment, and more recently I have got involved in
the OpenEEG project. Probably this will all lead
on to something interesting in the future.
- I've been coding computer software since I got my first
ZX81 as a child. I well remember Z80, 6502 and 68000 machine
language. I wrote a Forth compiler and run-time environment on
the Spectrum as an early teen, although it was never released.
With programming languages I prefer to stay 'close to the metal', and I
dislike unnecessary typing and layers of fluff. I like C and
Perl, and for some aspects, Java; however, I really don't get
on at all well with C++ (we've had fights!). Other interesting
languages I've looked into have taught me things, but left me
returning once again to old favourites. LISP seems completely
incompatible with my brain, yet strangely PostScript is like an
old friend. I use open-source software for very nearly
everything, and I've been running Debian
GNU/Linux since the first release.
- I feel strong connections with other parts of the world.
Mexico and Latin America have obviously played very
important parts in my life in several ways -- I had a Chilean
girlfriend for three years in the distant past, and in 2006 I married
a Peruvian girl with whom I'm now happily settled. I also feel
a strong connection with Arab culture, particularly with Arab
music. I took a solo trip to Morocco once, so I have some
feeling for the people there too. It is amazing to be in a places in
the world like these where human interaction is so rich and varied.
Both of my grandfathers have been from families who have moved around
the world from generation to generation (although both were initially
UK-based), so travel is in my blood, I guess. I have a mixture of
French, English, Welsh and Scottish blood, and I sometimes wonder if
there is a Moorish connection in there somewhere as well -- somehow I
would like there to be.
- I am a musician, brought up in a family of musicians. I
learned piano, church organ and french horn as a child (to grades 8, 6
and 8), but now I only use my piano/keyboard skills. I've been
messing around with writing music software for many years, although I
don't have too much to show for it. I also did a course in Sound
Engineering in 2001 (i.e. how to operate a music studio). This
may all lead onto something interesting in the future -- we'll have to
- I speak Spanish reasonably fluently, French and German to
get by.
- I am a motorcyclist, and I rode a cheap and low-tech
MZ before I sold it in 2002. For some reason I do like the MZ
style of "low-tech / does the job / no nonsense" engineering, because
I also had a LOMO camara which is similar in feeling. There is
a kind of aesthetic to solidly engineered low-tech items like this
that I do quite like.
So, that's it. This is a rather random collection rather than any
kind of an organized story, so there are great chunks of my life not
represented here, but still it does give an overview of some of what I
am about.

These pages and files, including applets and artwork,
are Copyright (c) 1997-2019 Jim Peters
unless otherwise stated. Please contact
me if you'd like to use anything not explicitly released, or if
you have something interesting to discuss.