0.9.10 (2008-05-08) Update to version 0.9.10 of fidlib. Update of fidlib and fiview source to compile with GCC 4. --- 0.9.8 (2004-09-06) Fidlib correction to auto-adjust to -3.01dB (70.71%) not 50% when '=' used. Fidlib window-function low-pass filters now give correct widths at -3.01dB Filter response analysis now performed at half-power and quarter-power points, i.e. 70.71% (sqrt 0.5) and 50% (-3.01dB and -6.02dB), instead of just at 50% Ruler 'm' display now showing 70.71% and 50% points instead of just 50% points Fidlib added fid_list_filters_buf() function No longer uses strstream (no more "dev_null.txt" on Windows) --- 0.9.7 (2004-08-20) Added window functions (Bartlet, Hann, Hamming, Blackman). --- 0.9.6 (2004-03-16) Fixed up some non-ANSI code that newer GCC complained about. --- 0.9.5 (2003-08-22) Fixed false internal error report from pair_filters() on Windows due to error detection not allowing leeway for slight calculation errors. --- 0.9.4 (2003-06-14) Updates to fidlib source to support fidlib compilation with MSVC. --- 0.9.3 (2003-06-11) Changed from using -a option to the '=' prefix to indicate auto-adjustment of frequencies. For example: "BpBe4/=1000-1500" or "-f =250" or whatever. Auto-adjustment now fully implemented Added a demo set of filters to allow a quick startup of fiview: fiview -D Permit up to 10 filters to be switched with the keyboard Added 'unmaintained' #error to JIT code in fidlib Fidlib contains some fixes to aid compilation on MSVC (MSVC handling could be improved, though) BpBq and BsBq now expect a single centre frequency instead of the incorrect frequency range required previously. Filter parsing is now performed in Fidlib Some other fixes --- 0.9.2 (2003-01-27) Min/max/50% rulers and labelling on freq-display ('m' key) Log-scale freq-display views ('l' key) Sweep and wavelet testing modes on frequency display ('f' key) Windows file-loading weirdness dealt with New 'fiview.coef' output file giving IIR/FIR coefficients in reloadable format Sampling rate may now appear before any of the other options Auto-adjust feature added for Lp and Hp filters (-a option) Better zoom mode for time-display ('z' key) Better zoom/expand mode for freq-display ('z' + 'x') Direct fidlib-calling code also included in examples Option to just analyse and quit instead of entering GUI Dropped 'h', 'i', 'f' and 't' keys for switching between displays; only F1-F4 keys available now. (Alt-? or Ctrl-? could be used instead if people need this feature) Fixed small display adjust bug for frequency display upper bound Added experimental lowpass Butterworth-Bessel cross filter (LpBuBe) Added Blackman window (LpBl) Updated helptext --- 0.9.1 Added more example code to fiview.log output, including a compiler-optimised version, and also example code to generate other filters in the same class at run-time. Most of the other changes were internal code reorganization and clean-up to support these additions, plus code in fidlib to generate the required coefficients at run-time. Also now displays better filters that go on forever (for example oscillators like BpRe/0/0.01). --- 0.9.0 Initial release